Calgary Police and Keeping Crime Rates Low

There's been a lot of news lately regarding changes to the Calgary police force and the way they go about detecting and investigating crimes (and alleged crimes).

New technologies for facial recognition. New budgets that make for slower growth in the ranks of Calgary police officers. New approaches to youth intervention and prevention leading to reduced crime and gang membership. And all the while, Calgary's already low crime rate has continued to fall.

I can't help but compare the police news in Calgary to some of the stories making their way up north from the US. I won't presume to comment on the facts of the several high profile cases that are, from any perspective, tragic but I can be grateful that our own police force hasn't been in the news lately for the problems and alleged abuses that have come to prominence elsewhere. It has nothing to do with technology or with how many police officers Calgary's budget can handle, but rather with our culture and citizenry's reaction to past problems and ongoing scrutiny.

From police to prosecutors to defence lawyers to your average Calgary resident, we're all in this together and we know it. That can be a great comfort in uncertain times.