Drug Offences and Your Calgary Defence Lawyer

Drug legality in Calgary can be confusing. A dedicated defence lawyer puts the record straight.

Drug laws in Calgary are complex. In addition to the laws themselves, frequent news stories, rampant speculation, and well-intentioned but misleading advice all add to the confusion. Many people in Calgary mistakenly believe that drug legalization is right around the corner, and/or that many drugs are already legal in a de facto sense that the Calgary Police and Crown prosecutors will not pursue a criminal case for drug possession and other drug offences.

This is absolutely not the case. Though I may not agree with our current drug laws, as a dedicated Calgary defence lawyer I am all too familiar with the ways in which a criminal drug charge can disrupt your life, you family, and your career. If you are charged with a drug offence in Calgary or anywhere in Alberta, do yourself a favor: contact an experienced defence lawyer rather than listening to all the misinformation.

Real Defence Advice From a Real Calgary Lawyer

A new prime minister and federal government with a whole new approach, sting operations and other crackdowns by the Calgary Police and recreational drug use fairly prevalent in Calgary society with all of the mixed messages, it's easy to understand why there is some confusion regarding drug laws.

On the one hand, we've got marijuana legalization right around the corner. On the other, controlled substances that can be legally prescribed like oxycontin, fentanyl, and other opioids are being manufactured, sold, and ingested illegally and causing a public health crisis. In the middle are other controlled substances like cocaine that many use recreationally, albeit illegally. In other words, drugs are still a big deal in Calgary, and the laws surrounding them are more complex than many realize.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that the possession, sale, or manufacturing of any controlled substance can lead to your arrest and to a serious criminal charge in the Calgary courts. Unless you have a special license or other official permission to possess a controlled substance, you can be charged with a crime that could, upon conviction, lead to months or years in jail and thousands of dollars in fines and fees. While attitudes towards recreational drug use are changing, and both the government and Calgary society are beginning to see drug related problems as public health issues rather than criminal justice matters, these changes are happening slowly.

One mistake with drugs can still lead to your arrest and cause serious consequences, in Calgary and throughout Canada.

A Calgary Defence Lawyer With Compassion for Those Charged With Drug Offences

Calgary's drug laws may be complex, but one part of the law is perfectly simple: when you are charged with a crime, any, you are entitled to consultant with an experienced Calgary criminal defence lawyer. My advice is also simple: take advantage of the law.

Your lawyer is there to represent your interests with the Calgary Police, with the Crown prosecutors, and with every other matter related to the defence of your drug-related charge. Partnering with the right lawyer is the best thing you can do for yourself, so don't delay call today