A Calgary Defence Lawyer for Your Summary Conviction Assault Offence
When a person in Calgary is accused of assaulting someone, there are two basic ways in which the charges can proceed in the courts and the criminal justice system at large: as an indictable offence, or as a summary conviction offence. There are some significant differences in the way these two types of cases proceed, but both can result in a conviction that carries very real criminal penalties along with it.
Though summary conviction offences for assault charges tend to carry lower penalties than indictable offences, and though the trial proceedings are somewhat simpler and tend to move a bit faster, it is still typically in your best interest to partner with a Calgary criminal defence lawyer to help you fight against an assault conviction. Knowledge of the law and the ability to develop effective legal strategies that are personalized to every case are just as important in summary conviction offences. A proper defence provided by a lawyer experienced in handling assault cases for Calgary's accused is your best chance at avoiding jail time, fines, and a criminal record.
Summary Convictions Assaults and Your Calgary Criminal Defence Lawyer
Most charges for assault in Calgary are for simple or "common" assault, described in a previous article you can find [here]. The majority of these cases will proceed before the Calgary courts as summary conviction offences, with maximum penalties of a $5,000 fine and up to six months in jail. Though these penalties might seem relatively minor, and can even seem insignificant when stated as a simple fact, take a moment to imagine what this could mean for your life: six months without your family, six months without your job, which might not be waiting for you when you return, and six months without your freedom.
For most people in Calgary, a jail term lasting half a year would be life-changing, and not in a positive way. $5,000 is no small sum, either, and can drastically affect your financial situation and your ability to rebuild your life when your jail sentence is done.
A criminal defence lawyer in Calgary can help present your defence in an assault case in a way that emphasizes mitigating circumstances and can lead to reduced penalties and even acquittals in many cases. Presenting the facts in the right manner, and pursuing the right legal defence strategy, could have your assault charges dropped entirely, allowing you to avoid jail time altogether and maintain the life you've already established.
Contact a Calgary Lawyer for Your Assault Defence Today
If you've been charged with assault in the Calgary area, you are entitled to speak to an experienced criminal defence lawyer no matter how your case is proceeding or how far it has progressed. Calgary defence lawyer Susan Karpa offers free consultations to anyone in Calgary accused of an assault charge [contact her today and get the help you're entitled to.]