Assault Charges and Your Calgary Defence Lawyer

Common assault is, well...common. It's a charge that is laid by Calgary Police against people in a variety of situations multiple times every day, on average, and even the most innocuous-seeming incidents can result in an assault charge. Any intentional and unwanted physical touching is potentially grounds for an assault charge, and even purposefully intimidating body language or the threat of physical violence can, in some cases, lead to an arrest for assault.

Because charges for assault are so common in Calgary, and because some of the circumstances surrounding these charges seem, to the accused, at least, so simple and ultimately harmless, some of those accused of assault in Calgary choose not to enlist the services of a criminal defence lawyer. More often than not, those accused of criminal assault in Calgary end up jailed and/or fined for the crime, often with no real understanding of why their case went the way it did or what other avenues might have been available for their defence.

Defence Law in Calgary is All About Knowledge

Knowledge and experience are the two primary advantages you'll get with a good Calgary defence lawyer that you can't get on your own, and this is just as true in common assault cases as it is with other criminal charges. It is a defence lawyer's job to know and understand criminal law; to work regularly with judges, Crown prosecutors, and others involved in Calgary court cases; and to develop strategies for their clients that they might not have thought of on their own.

Make no mistake: even a simple assault charge tried as a summary conviction offence is a serious thing, and can have a major impact on your life moving forward. A conviction for assault can leave you with a permanent criminal record, and the details of your case will often be overlooked in light of the conviction itself. In other words, employers and others might only care about the fact that you were convicted, and won't necessarily take the time to hear your side of the story.

Your trial, and your pre-trial proceedings, are where you have a legal right to make your voice heard, and to fight against an assault conviction. Partnering with an experienced defence lawyer is the best way to ensure that you can tell your story in full, and that your story gives you the best chance possible of being exonerated. You don't often get a second chance at an assault trial, so raise your best defence the first time with the assistance of a Calgary criminal defence lawyer.

Contact Susan Karpa About Your Assault Charges Today

If you or a family member has been charged with assault in the Calgary courts, contact the offices of Calgary defence lawyer Susan Karpa as soon as possible. In a free, no-obligation consultation, she'll hear the details of your charges and help you understand the specific options available to you, putting you in control of your case. You don't have to face this alone, and it's almost never a good idea. Get the professional assistance the law says you're entitled to, and contact Susan Karpa today!